Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Buying in Bulk

It is kind of counter-intuitive but buying in bulk is rarely a good option.

Any business will tell you excess inventory is a waste of money unless it is cheaper to hold on hand then restock.

So when you purchase a good you have a good and you no longer have the money....money that could be earning you interest or growing instead of being stored as 1000 extra rolls of Toilet Paper in your house.

The only time buying in bulk is worth it is if you live in the country and it is more expensive for you to get to the store then the money you can make from the interest you would have earned if you help onto the cash.


the Book of Keira said...

I buy only a few things in bulk and one of them is diapers and the other is formula.

Other than that... everything would just sit here taking up space. And I don't have the space...lol.

Maggie Moo said...

Or, if you eat a lot of beans.

I'm just sayin'

Rocketstar said...

Here, here or is it hear, hear?

Anonymous said...

or if you have three teenagers, at which point you can NEVER have enough toilet paper and you will constantly suspect that much of that toilet paper is not cleansing someone's posterior, but adorning the trees in the yards of the local teenage girls.

Ma said...

does buying in bulk really have to only mean buying massive quantities? I always thought I bought in bulk... but I just fill up my own containers in the bulk area of the coop... I think that's a better way to buy in bulk anyways - who needs Sam's Club and all that jazz - my house is too damn small for all that shit!

Ma said...

ps YEAH - I finally figured out how to get a picture on here.. I am officially not so much of lame-o-blogger - haha!

Colette said...

Love it. But not as much as Deadbeat. =) Smiles.