Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Speed of Time

Have you ever noticed when you want time to stop it seems to fly and when you want time to fly it seems to stop? 60 seconds gone in the blink of an eye or lasting an eternity depending on the situation?

What if we time travel all the time?

What if time really does speed up or slow down in those moments? Your time accelerated by emotion, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, passion, sweat, desire...

You time slowed by depression, chastity, melancholy, repetition...

What if this was the reason some people lived longer then others? Their clocks frozen in a state of boredom and repetition.

What if this is why so many bright stars burn out before their time....sped up illuminating the world for us.

What if we all lived to be 70 no matter what period of history and how long our personal clock lasted was simply a matter of how engrossed we were in life or how removed we were from it.

What if I told you that every time I look into your eyes my time, my life flies by..and I wouldn't change it for all the time in the world.


Thomas said...

You're right on the money about time. The last 7 seven years have flew by for me, but due to some somewhat negative events that have occured in my life over the last few months, time has slowed to a crawl. I think I preferred it when my life was flying by. Call me crazy, but I am presently taking steps to get back in the fast lane.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Brian! I'm impressed!

Rocketstar said...

but my watch goes the same speed, regardles of our perception of time, which as you say, does speed and slow down.

Colette said...

Time flies. I feel like I have missed the past 2 months completely. But I don't think it's because I'm I dunno.

Ma said...

if you told me that I'd say - Aw shucks - wow thanks.. and I think you are so right on with this one BriGuy...... I'm hoping to win the powerball tonight, but secretly I'm hoping that my life keeps going on in the lovely little way it's going right now, I'm not going to let it determine my future happiness.... I'm trying to really grasp the good stuff these days and let my days flyyyyy right by too!!!

Anonymous said...

dayum! Wish someone would say that to me! LOL

Katelyn said...

"What if I told you that every time I look into your eyes my time, my life flies by..and I wouldn't change it for all the time in the world."

some of the prettiest words i've read in a while.

thank you for your kind comments on my blog, as well. they are much appreciated.

Simply Jolene said...

Great thoughts...and they make you think. I too write on time a sometimes I feel like Im standing still and everything around me just keeps moving...

And Nexted time you will be invited to my poetry meeting :)-