Monday, September 24, 2007

Stress Equations

I have come up with a simple formula to calculate stress. In essence it is the amount of expectations expected of you divided by your capacity to meet them.

Right now I am running severely negative.

So if I could get everybody to lower their expectations and someone to nominate me for a Nobel prize I will go on my merry way.


Anonymous said...

Bri - I miss you.

Erin said...

Don't I ever know that!! I say just grab a beer, turn off the phones, computers, skip work and get drunk :-) It always works for me!!

Tom said...

One of my past therapists had a quote that goes along perfectly with what you are saying:

"Expectations are the mother of all misery"

For this reason, I typically keep my spectations quite low.

Rocketstar said...

And also remeber that Stress is what "really" kills you.

Maggie Moo said...

LOL Rocket-see Brian, I never had any expectations of you and therefore, I've fallen in love. ;)

Is there some sort of form I have to fill out for this Nobel Prize you speak of? LOL

lauren said...

Is it everyone else's expectations that are getting you down, or your expectations of yourself? I find the latter is usually what stresses me out the most.

Ma said...

consider yourself nominated - just be sure to mention me in your "victory speech"

the Book of Keira said...

Baby, you got me all twisted up inside, boo.

*Ren* said...

Hope you are feeling more full today!