Friday, October 19, 2007

Video of a Memory

Recorded in the Recesses of Brian's Brain this 19th day of October:

Gold and crimson leaves circle in flowing water before vanishing down the storm drains of this now deserted street. Rain drops mixing with oil creating greasy rainbows that reconstitute with every drop in this downpour. A three dimensional psychedelic show as mans influence is cleansed from the street. I stand on a curb that while only a few inches above the payment creates a sensation that I am much higher. Perched on a cliff over looking something spectacular. While I feel feel the rain streaming down my face I don't feel wet. Not in the way you do when your clothes are soaked. My skin is a water barrier. A flesh umbrella. I am suddenly aware of the fact that rain is nature flushing its earths toilet. Like a piece of gum or cigarette butt I am to big to fit in the slits of this urinal. Someone will have to remove me.

I smile and look up towards the clouds.

A black car passes.

A light changes.

Someone in the distance honks.


Valley Girl said...

If you ever leave investment banking, you should totally be a writer or poet.

Valley Girl said...

Ok never mind that comment. I clicked on your Buy My Book link and see that you've already done that. =)

Valley Girl said...

Ok never mind that comment. I clicked on your Buy My Book link and see that you've already done that. =)

*Ren* said...

Brian - when did you become an "investment banker"? I thought you were a BA?

Rocketstar said...

Very nice man.

Ma said...

"While I feel feel the rain streaming down my face I don't feel wet. Not in the way you do when your clothes are soaked. My skin is a water barrier. A flesh umbrella."
ok - were you running around naked in the rain again? I think that was me honking ... "what's that naked guy doing out in the rain? very honkworthy!"

Colette said...

I love it. I'm one of those "pictures/videos-in-my-head" people, and what an awesome picture you just painted me. =)