Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Bar Buddies

The Twelve Steps of Bar Buddies.

1.) Ye, must like to drink.

2.) Ye, have to be a good drunk...this means no getting drunk, starting fights, screaming and throwing things for no reason.

3.) Ye, have to like at least some bar games, foosball, darts, pool, golden tee, trivia, chess...

4.) Like to talk and joke.

5.) Like to go to a variety of bars. (Dives, upscale, clubs, sports)

6.)Ye shall have the stamina of a camel and can sit for the duration of at least four hours.

7.) Ye shall tip the bar tenders and servers well.

8.) Thou, has family in the taxi cab industry.

9.) Smokes. (Now this is not a prerequisite but in Minnesota when you have to leave a building to smoke it is nice to have someone who goes with you.)

10.) If ye order an odd drink ye at least know how to make it.

11.) No judging.

12.) ye will be out going and can talk with other people at the bar.

Want to be my bar buddy?


Ma said...

wow - you're taking applications for the position.... I thought you were fully staffed already? (gearing up for the big "30th staff meeting"?)

a real librarian said...

Sounds like fun!!

Muffy Willowbrook said...

NO JUDGING?? Seriously? all? Even after drinking? Still? No judging?! Okay....I'll try.

the Book of Keira said...

I would be honored...

Jess said...

Do you mean to say that you expect someone to not pee for four hours? Can people do that? Like, ever?

Sarah said...

oooooh! i wanna play. stupid living in SD...

Rocketstar said...

nice list hombre.

Brutus said...

How do you feel about Depends? I meet all your criteria except the stamina thing. I could wear Depends though, I guess.

Oh - I don't have family in the taxi industry but I do have a deal with my kids about not driving under the influence - no questions asked - just call and you get a ride (this works for me as well as them).

Speaking of which - stop by Majors on the 13th for my Adios Work Party. My son is already on standby for said ride home.

Erin said...

Damn man, I'd make an excellent bar buddy!! I can go to a bar, drink all night and never pee! Of course I don't know anyone who has a taxi, but we'll walk while smoking our cigarettes ;)