Friday, April 11, 2008

Off To a Good Start

I picked up a few books to read this weekend on my trek out to Denver. The first one I cracked open to page 33 and it says,

"Lets define laziness - to endure a non-ideal existence, to let circumstance or others decide life for you, or to amass a fortune while passing through life like a spectator from an office window. The size of your bank account doesn't change this, nor does the hours you log in handling unimportant e-mail or minutiae."

-Tim Ferriss

It is all I have read so far but it is obvious the author is a man after my own heart. I will tell you how the rest is when I get back


Erin said...

Sounds like a real page turner ;)

Have a great time in Denver!!

Rocketstar said...

Hey, that's me and you , what do we do?

Anonymous said...

I want to hear about that book when you've finished it... sounds good!

Have fun in Denver!

Kristi said...

Looking forward to hearing more about this....