Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nit Twit

There are two people I know in this entire world who are exciting\interesting enough to use twitter regularly and neither of them are you. Yes I realize that twitter and status updates have their place. but broadcasting stuff like this to all of your friends is not it....

- I'm tired....

Then take a fucking nap, because unless your fatigue is due to be gangbanged by 6 monkeys two midgets and a goat I don't give a shit and then I only give a shit if you have it on tape.

- I'm bored

Well then why don't you masturbate like the rest of us? Or better yet get off your computer and go make some know... real we used to be. If 90 percent of conversation is visual (you remember visual watching and responding to a partner) touch (warmth, Goosebumps, tingles), smell etc it doesn't matter that you have a 1000 friends online you are only living 10% of your life. Go out.

The truth is people who constantly post stuff like this are fishing for attention. ...and the sad thing about it is they are getting fed..

Any update that says something like this but does not give the reason is done by an Exhauster. (If you have to ask I wonder why so and so is__inset some short evasive answer__ and then you actually waste your own time to find out you are dealing with an Exhauster) The kind of person you should delete from your life because they are emotionally and physically exhausting not to mention time consuming.

Their basic goal is attention and they don't care who they get it from( Hence why they send it out to a huge group of people) you are not special to them, you an entry on a distribution list, simply a mirror for them to look into and tell themselves how important they are.

The sooner you block them the better.


Rocketstar said...

LOL, I love it. I feel the same way about Facebook.

my name is Amanda said...

There are more than TWO, I would say - and that maybe you're not following the right people, love!

Also - right fucking on - so true, what you say here about Exhausters. I don't have patience for any of 'em.

Bill From Gainesville said...

well said! Bravo !

Jenn'fer said...

I must admit I am a frequest Facebook updater... I think it really depends on the crowd you hang out with - but I do try to make my updates entertaining, or somehow meaningful to the audience... but I will now be extra diligent so I never fall into the exhauster category!

Rocketstar said...

hey Jedstro, I can vouge (sp?) for your updates, no fluff from you.

Jenn'fer said...

Rocket - you are vogueing - right there in your office? Does your boss know?... oh, you meant vouch! Thanks for the affirmation...I try my best!

Brianinmpls said...

Amanda lol...ok there are more then two;) And truthfully I don't even mind people who post stuff like this once and a while. But there are a fee people who I have recently deleted that do this kind of stuff day in and day out....

J-dog you are fiercly entertaining and I am glad to see you out here:)

Ma said...

oh my god I am so lame - I'm going to delete myself from Facebook and Myspace and get a real life....
right now!

actually scratch that, I have so much fun being lame that I'm going to keep on keepin on with it :)