Thursday, July 23, 2009


The day after the 4th of July the city of Minneapolis took to the airwaves declaring that the pollution level of the city was so toxic with the smoke\debris from the previous nights fireworks that all people with breathing sensitivity should refrain from any exertion out doors. outdoors....

The outside was so polluted with particles and smoke that it was dangerous to breathe. I wonder why there were no health alarmists looking to ban fire works due to the possible harm from second hand smoke? I have never hear of a bar opening its doors and an entire city told to stay inside.

A lot of people were made to suffer, some of them who don't even celebrate the fourth of July. Only this was worse...they couldn't even choose to not go to the bar and be around smoke they were told that they have to stay indoors.

I also haven't heard them wanting to enact bans on bus stops, traffic lights, stores and business that are less then 25 feet away from the street. After all isn't that person sitting next to all of that carbon monoxide coming from cars worth saving...maybe a little more then the person choosing to go to a bar and drink all day?

Article from the Star Tribune

Twin Cities air quality befouled by fireworks

Particle pollution in the Twin Cities was elevated Sunday because of Saturday night's fireworks all over the metro area, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency said Sunday.

Last update: July 5, 2009 - 8:30 PM
The fireworks were fun, but they came at a price.
Particle pollution in the Twin Cities was elevated Sunday because of Saturday night's fireworks all over the metro area, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency said Sunday.

The agency issued an "orange" notification after light winds failed to disperse the pollutants that lingered after the celebratory fanfare and fumes. People with asthma and other health problems, as well as elderly people, were advised to stay indoors, and everyone was urged to avoid prolonged outside exertion.

1 comment:

Ma said...

Whew - good thing I left MN that morning, before all the pollution happened, maybe they wouldn't have let my plane take off and I'd have been stuck there... ugh