Thursday, July 29, 2021

Lesson Learned the Hard Way #235

I took out a bunch of student loans to put myself through school. All the way through school. As I was holding my MBA looking at a bunch of degrees and a bill for it all that was going to take me ten years to pay off I knew I made a big mistake. 

I thought I had to go to school with a name, get a big degree but the truth is I would have been fine without it or going just to a two year trade school. 

I learned much more from just doing and working with mentors that I ever did in a class room. 

Most of the textual stuff goes out the window in the real world once the complexity of organizations and people come into play. 

For my kids it is not that I don't want them to get an education it is that I want them to get the right one. 

If I was helping them foot the bill it would probably be something closer too...

2 Years of trade school or community college with Summers off to live abroad. 

I think living outside the us and learning practical skills would do most people more good than keg stands and frat parties.

The traditional path of life needs an overhaul. If we just do what we are supposed to all we do is shackle up with debt we don't really need following a dream we don't really want.

I spend 20% of my week working to cover something I was "supposed" to do. 

Shame on me for never questioning up front...but then what kid really knows they need to?

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