Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Contribution to the Body of Knowedge #523

I took a nice long walk yesterday. I had about an hour and a half to kill in between appointments and I thought it would do me some good to get some fresh air and do some thinking, but I couldn't really think so I decided to sit on a park bench and count car colors instead.

Here is the breakdown of car colors that passed the intersection of 56th and Portland Ave between the time of 3:18 pm and 4:18 pm

Red (Includes Maroon) 21
Grey (Includes Silver) 32
Black 30
Green 8
Blue 16
Tan 6
White 24
Yellow 1
Total 143

And Grey was the winner:)

I don't really know who this information will help but it seems like it should be recorded somewhere as an event that happen. It is an event that will never make it into a history book or be talked about or replicated again. It was an event that passes unnoticed everyday and today I happened to witness it and write it down.

With some hope of reminding me that there are events everyday that happen that will never happen again even if they are as mundane as watching someone drive to work or passing a stranger on the street. There is this magic of life that surrounds us everyday. A magic that will never be famous or be taught in a school. It will never be remembered after I die unless I record it. Unless I write it on a wall that someone will discover years from now....

If you are my reader from the future I want you to know, "Today in Minneapolis the sun was shining, it was warm and bright, birds flew over Diamond Lake in huge flocks and were talking with excitement about Spring. 143 cars passed in front of me and I smiled and cried at the same time".

Brian was Here


Mags said...

You and I would SO totally have a blast together in real life.

Erin said...

LOL - I don't know, it seems like you might have too much time on your hands :-)

On the other hand, I bet it must be very relaxing to just sit down for an hour and not worry about anything else but counting car colors... alright I see your point, lol.

Brianinmpls said...

I have just decided that today I am going to win the lottery and united us all:)

Mags said...

My lucky number is 23

Brianinmpls said...

I will put that in;)

Brianinmpls said...

This is now one of my favorite things that I have ever written. I just had the same experience with watching a bird and it sent shivers down my spine.

Anonymous said...

your mind works in mysterious ways Brian... what would we do without you?

dawnmarie said...

birds send shivers of fear down my spine...

Paige said...

my lucky number is 5. i want in on this part-ay

Colette said...

My lucky number is 18. I want to play too! LOL Such a little sis thing to say right? ;-)

Glad you got to enjoy an hour and reflect on the magic that is life. We all need to do that sometimes I think.

Rocketstar said...

Nice, very nice man.

the Book of Keira said...

"Brian was here.... and for a good time with lots of hot, anal sex, call (253) 302-4888. Ask for Dean."

Guess what MY lucky number is??

Brianinmpls said...

lol ok i will get a ticket but the power ball only goes up to 55 so I can't pick