Thursday, April 12, 2007

Writing on the Wall

Every once and a while I get bored and let the dice roll by clicking next blog. I am always amazed by three things.....

1.) How many religious blogs there are out there.

2.) How many blogs there are from different Countries. (If I had one secret wish it would be that I could speak every language with a perfect accent...some of them look cool and I have often left comments even though I can't understand what they say)

3.) The world is full of a lot of boring people who are full of shit. (This is probably the category I fall into on here to some)

That being said after clicking and reading one blog after another for a few hours I am always amazed at the tapestry of the human being that emerges as you step back and look at the collection, the diversity, the brutally honest writing, being emotionally naked in front of the world, hiding behind masks of our choice, the communities that arise, the friendships people make, it is digital graffiti that says I was here, I had something to say, I contributed even if no one listened.

This is for the people who are there to hear my tree fall in the forest.....

Thanks for reading my post secrets and not judging I love you


Sherry said...

I do that too, only I read my Blogger Buddies links. Sometimes I find interesting people... like you.

the Book of Keira said...

I've done this and know what you mean about the foreign I've also noticed that there are a ton of blogs about computers and all that craziness and I avoid them because they just don't interest me.

I love your blog... it's one of my favorites :-)

Rocketstar said...

Nice post, I fully agree.

Mags said...

I once tried to translate a foreign blog by using one of those free online didn't work though.

I was sad. Now, I don't next blog because the feelings of rejection are too strong.

Love your blog.

Brianinmpls said...

I love all of you I feel like I have reunited with my long lost cousins 2 twice removed.

Seriously I love reading all of your blogs too...I just love the creative energy and all of the different view points. And who can forget about the

Brianinmpls said...

PS You are not getting rejected here

Mags said...

My first cake is in the making...


Black Sugar

Thomas said...

I've also done the "next blog" thing from time to time. I usually don't find anything too compelling, but once in a while, it is possible to find a gem among the rough (needless to say, yours is one such example).

lauren said...

I am pretty sure that is how I found you.

Anonymous said...

post secret - that book was the shiznit!