Wednesday, May 23, 2007


When ever I pull up at a metered entrance ramp to get on the freeway I get really anxious that I am going to miss my light and so I stop blinking and stare till I see green.

(Does anyone else have any really weird feelings of anxiety or paranoia that are completely unfounded?)


Mags said...

I'm always afraid I'm going to miss my exit or take a wrong turn when I'm following directions. So I'll look at the exit number about 700 times (literally) and say it over and over in my head until I make it.

If someone else is driving, I tell them the exit # a lot until they exclaim: DON'T TELL ME AGAIN!

Erin said...

That is freaky - I do the same thing Mags does!!!!

Mags said...

EC-We'd never get lost together.


the Book of Keira said...

I'm paranoid about driving behind trucks that heve stuff secured to them. Like pickup trucks or the huge trucks that carry cars all over the place. I'm always thinking that at any moment something will fly right off the back and slam into my windshield killing me instantly.

Mags said...

OMG Kyra-I do that too!!!

I almost never get hit with anything that falls off trucks because I'm hyper-sensitive to what they are doing that I somehow see it coming before it actually flys out and I swerve just right.

Of course, I cause lots of accidents behind me, but hey-at least I'M ok.

LOL. JK on the accidents.

Brianinmpls said...

I see a road traveling sitcom unfolding right here...

Thomas said...

I'm just floored that you posted a pic for the second day in a row.

Brianinmpls said...

I did that just for you;)

Glamorous Redneck said...

I freak out when I crack eggs thinking that one of these days I'm going to crack one and a little baby bird is going to slide into the bowl. It's gross and I've never heard of it actually happening, but I still worry.

Colette said...

I'm with The 108 on this one. I get freaked out by semis and by trucks carrying shit. I always imagine a log or pipe that one is carrying flying off the back and impaling me. It's worse when Logan's in the car with me. I just pass them

Paige said...

I am a crazy driving freak about being in the correct lane. I have HUGE anxiety if I can't get over when I want to and if someone else is driving and they are going along in a different lane then I think they should be in my stomach goes nuts. I try not to show it on the outside though