Saturday, May 26, 2007

Under the Influence

Circa 2:30 A.M. it occurred to me that driving under the influence is like a big game of Pac Man. There is a maze of streets, the cops are like the ghosts and the white lines are like dots in the game. If you get caught you go to jail for the night and you get three strikes and you don't get to drive again.....

I actually started to hear the sound of Pac Man munching every time I went by a white line...


the Book of Keira said...

Stop driving drunk, damn you. You're gonna end up killing some mini van full of kids heading to Disneyland for a long awaited vacation. And if it's MY kids... I'd kill you slowly and painfully and think nothing of it. You really do not want that :-)

Won't somebody think of the children!!!!?????

Seriously, though... our car would be a horror to slam into drunk. It would contain a soldier, a pregnant woman and three small Anyone who ran into us would forever be the biggest asshole on the planet :-)The only thing that could make it worse was if you threw a nun in the backseat and an adorable puppy.

Colette said...

Couldn't have said it better myself Kyra.