Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Am I Dreaming?

I am on my third day of almost no know the day when you start to hear stuff wierd and you mind plays tricks on you. The day where your life starts to become a dream and you don't know what is real.

I have this ticking clock over me....a bomb that is going to blow-up my life and it is coming down to the wire and I made peace with it this morning and I feel better.

And there(they'er) all made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same


Cheri said...

Putting a link up is fine. =D I need to update mine but I never end up doing it.

I'm with you on the lack of sleep... I haven't slept since Sunday night and it's sort of getting to me right now. And I have to go to class. HAH

the Book of Keira said...

This reminds me of poor Edward Norton in Fight

Rocketstar said...

You know that you can actually die from not sleeping.

Dude, what is going on? Not another one?

Joe said...

LOL - Was it your lack of sleep when you created your header for this blog? Your first word to describe yourself is "handsome"?

I wish I had that kind of ego. (I mean self confidence!) *grin*

PS - Nice blog!

Brianinmpls said...

Rocket:God no I have learned my lesson no my problems are financial I am going to be a victim of the subprime melt down...can't sell my house, can't refi due to credit issues and won't be able to afford the jump in payments..f$$@#$%K

Thanks Joe:)

lauren said...

Brian, I'm with you on the whole not sleeping thing.... As for your impending meltdown, you can always come live with me in Cincinnati. You still won't get much sleep, though.

Erin said...

I say take a nap - you'll feel better :)

Ma said...

didn't you find yrself a roomie yet to help out with the expenses?

Dem Soldier said...

I second with Ma...roomie will do a the trick....

Tom said...

Where is your God now?

Seriously, try to keep your head up, Brian.

Colette said...

I'm sorry you're at a tough spot. I feel your pain though, I can't buy a house because of the subprime melt down. AND I've got serious short term financial issues.

Find a many bedrooms? You could have a small family move in!? (aka me, Jayk, and Logan) LMAO!

Tom said...

I know of a pyramid scheme that can get you back into solvency in no time.