Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Something They Don't Teach You in School

1.)If you can feel the heat of your own fart...don't try to hold it find a bath room immediately.

2.) A plate of 20 fire wings can lead directly to number 1...or 2 depending on how you read this.

3.)How to salsa...in my inner city school we learned line dancing and square dancing in gym class because there is "less touching".

4.)Self defense. Shouldn't this be taught in schools? Help kids defend themselves, fight off attackers, bullies, animals that hide under their beds?

I saw a bunch of kids going back to school this morning and with the sight of them I got a little nervous about our collective future..then I realized that many years ago someone thought that about me. Then I became puzzled when thinking about who proved who wrong.


Erin said...

Yeah, I defintely think they should teach Salsa in school - in fact there were most certainly some boys I would like to Salsa with right now in fact ;)

Maggie Moo said...

A bowl of salsa can also lead directly to number 1...or 2.


Ma said...

you crack me up!! you taking any classes this round?

dawnmarie said...

I learned judo for a semester in junior high gym class.

Colette said...

I love the way you think. LOL. You never cease to amaze me. Scary how your un-numbered #5 comes up to hit ya in the ass to make you realize how old you are huh? ;-)

Dem Soldier said...

"Teach Salsa in school" U surely will have conservative mom some where complaining her daughter isnt virgin no more...

the Book of Keira said...

I agree with Colette. The other day I realized finally how old I am when I was at the pool trying to hang out with the high school kids and they were afrad I was going to yell at them for smoking.

It broke my heart and almost made me rush out to buy them beer.

Brianinmpls said...

Lets Dance:) I am taking a dance class starting in November so that should be fun:)