Monday, October 22, 2007

Dripping with Lies

Ponder Question.

Does the existence of lies mean that our moral code and societal norms are at odds with the true nature of our existence?

Does our society make us lie? or at the very least create the fertile soil for deception?

If our moral code and societal norms were more in line with the selfish gene theory I wonder if there would be less lies....


Maggie Moo said...

Well, I think the existence of lies is like the existence of bad days...if they didn't exists, you wouldn't appreciate the good ones. And if lies weren't in existence, then we wouldn't appreciate the truth.

Ma said...

liar liar pants on fire - hahaha
(ps damn blogger wouldn't let me attach the cute pair of flaming pants I wanted to post along with this - guess you'll just have to use your imagination)

Michelle's Spell said...

Hey Brian,

I think people would lie no matter what. There's always an instinct for rebellion -- what the old wisdom about having an affair -- that it becomes as tedious as a marriage and you have to have another affair to get away from that one? I'm a complete libertarian and believe that people should be free to do what they want, but the more freedom you give someone, the more they search for ways to be bad. Perhaps there is a genetic explanation for that . . . :)

Valley Girl said...

I believe that for everything, there is a Yin and Yang. For every good, there is a bad, for every truth, there is a lie.

lauren said...

I think our society creates a fertile soil for deception, as you so eloquently put it. It doesn't make us like, so much as occasionally encourages it.

Dem Soldier said...

Yo Brian...What I don't get it is; why magicians aren't called liars!

It's a part of human gene.

Rocketstar said...

People seem to forget that we are JUST the smartest monkey.

*Ren* said...

I guess the question is what is our moral code and what societal norms are you talking about.

Still despite having a definition, I still think people would lie. Apparently it is human nature.