Monday, October 08, 2007


It has occurred to me recently that there is a leadership style that is remarkably like a pine tree.

It never changes regardless of the weather(market)

It drops acidic needles under it so that nothing below it can grow or develop stifling change.

It is sappy when it needs to be and people think it is endearing until you realize it is merely a self defense mechanism and you have a sticky load all over your face.

When a big fire comes it drops its seeds and soon the whole forest looks the same and no diversity exists.

It only thinks inside the pine box.

(Ok maybe it is a little stretch but I would with all rights reserved like to be the first to also mention pine solved for the problem solving method of this leader to describe how no matter how many sweet lemons it uses to describe its plan it still smells like shit.)


Ma said...

you are so good with words...

Cheri said...

Hahaha I love it. So true!

Rocketstar said...

I like it, nice.

the Book of Keira said...

Only you could have me twisting my brain around such a thing all morning. You are a gift!

lauren said...

"It is sappy when it needs to be and people think it is endearing until you realize it is a defense mechanism and you have a sticky load all over your face." Pardon me, but it also sounds like the douche-bag guy management method.

Colette said...

Very nice. Sounds like my job!