Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Minnesota Modest and Something About Toliet Placement

For most of my life I have thought that with the exception of the American outhouse, toilets had to be placed perpendicular to the door of the bathroom to avoid having a door open and seeing between the legs of a woman relieving herself.

This is not true! This myth was busted after I walked into 4 different unisex\home bathrooms this weekend and the toilet was facing the door sitting there mocking me with the seat up....

Maybe my is experience with Minnesota bathrooms that taints this for me? Maybe we are modest defecate-ers....

Anyone got a match or a Yankee Candle?


Rocketstar said...

Nice seeing you man, how was the Springs?

I have never noticed this toilet phenomenon

Anonymous said...

The toilet in my bathroom is facing the doorway... I guess I never thought of it before... but then I'm not very modest.

Brianinmpls said...

Rocket it was great to see you too:) I love CO almost as much as I love MN:) I had a blast.

The springs were awesome although I am not a huge fan of hiking. Seven Falls was beautiful.

I guess I noticed the toilet thing because I like to pose if you know what I mean

Bill From Gainesville said...

Toilet placement doesnt really get that much thought down here in Fl. In fact I think sometimes people put in the underlying plumbing just for fun and then put the toilet where ever the plumbing leads them.

Sarah said...

mine is perp. good call, bri.

Anonymous said...

And I thought it was a bathroom size issue. If there is more room, why not put it on stage?