Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sexually Liberated or Dirty Whore?

Friend One: "If you are such a fan of sexual liberation how can you call her a cunty dirty whore? What is the difference between a whore and a sexually empowered woman?"

Here is my answer:

It has nothing to do with numbers or looks. It is about understanding the value of yourself.

One of them knows the cost of what they give. The value of the item is traded between two people who understand its cost and rewards. Sexual liberation is willful. It is personally intentional. It is done with your eyes open aware of the cost and risks and pleasures. It is done on your own terms with willing participants. It is brutally honest.

Whores do not do know the value of that which they trade. One cent or a billion dollars. They are at the mercy of other peoples will. Their own desire and passions spit on in an open market place. What they have is taken and never traded for. It is gained through passive self deception.

I know this because in my life I have been a whore and have learned to understand my value in the market place. That learning damaged a lot of lives my own included but I would not trade anything for the way I feel right now.


Carla O'Callaghan said...


This is one of the best posts I've seen.

Laura said...

This is brilliant.

I think that learning the difference, and recognising the difference is something that does need to be learned yourself.

JLee said...

I get that and agree, although I think there is more judgment of women who are sexual than of men.

Rocketstar said...


Tara said...

I swear, you have the best posts!

Anonymous said...

so you are the sexually empowered woman?

Jessica said...

I agree with JLee. It's much different if a woman likes sex. Men bitch about women not wanting it enough but when we do, we often get judgement.

Bill From Gainesville said...

thats some deep shit. But I can tell you what I know about it. It is the self aware person that ultimately is going to be happy with themselves. So the same person in one dimension fucks everything that moves but isnt truly aware, but then this same person still fucks everything in sight but is conscious of himeself,he is aware of his decisions in life, and ultimately he has integrity.
- The first is a slut the second is a stud. -- you may mock me here, and I mean whomever is reading this comment section, when I say that because I think Brian will understand, but I love Madonna. and I think she is the example Brian didnt use. She has been with tons of people (mostly men) but I dont think of her as a slut at all, I think she is awesome. Its the perfect example of what brian was saying (in my opinion, I am not speaking for brian, He may actually think Madonna is a slut, I dont know but to me she is the Epitome of what he was talking about)

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear. I believe I have been quite the whore too! It is quite enjoyable, however, to see things on the other side. There is something to be said for being retrospective.

Ribonuff said...

I enjoyed this post very much, as I do most of them.
I'd consider whoring myself, if anyone would pay, ha ha.
(Okay, I have intellectually whored myself, but still nobody paid.)

Kristi said...

I wonder if it's possible to be a sexually liberated dirty whore.....does it have to be so black and white? LOL.

Simply Jolene said...

very good