Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Making a Massacre

I think it is an interesting point that CNN and Fox are making it such a big deal that the student shooter is an alien.

Just a quick question to see what other people think if I am 23 years old and have been an American since I was 5 years old. Am I not just an American? Who is responsible for his upbringing? His creation? Aren't we? Children in other cultures don't really go on shooting sprees....


the Book of Keira said...

But you know damned well that if he were middle eastern, this would have been automatically classified as a terrorist attack and we'd be bombing someone as we speak.

Brianinmpls said...

But that is my point exactly we expect everyone else to pay the price when these things happen but why not us too....like we should have bombed Montana when OK city bombing took place

Thomas said...

The frickin' media will take any point they think will stick and just yap about it for days. Totally absurd. It's why I don't watch the stuff for more than a few minutes a day.

If you don't want shooting sprees, you need to control the guns. Look at Great Britain. Nice peaceful society, generally, in no small part because of a paucity of guns.

The only way you'd see massacres in England would be if some super trained ninja like in "Kill Bill" went nuts with swords and stars.

Rocketstar said...

I was shocked that he was Asian, they never do shit like this. it's usualy white guys.

thomas, I don't think it is abut guns, Canada has just as many guns as we do and they don't sem to have the problem nearly as bad as we do. I think it's the culture. I recommend "Shooting for Columbine" by M Moore.

Mags said...

I agree with Rocket, I don't think it's about guns. People kill. Not guns. It's about our society-the lack of respect for other human beings and their lives that is our undoing.

Rachel said...

It's absolutely absurd that they're making such a big deal out of his ethnicity. He lived in the US for most of his life, is a product of the US education system, etc. I sincerely doubt that his ethnicity had anything to do with his actions.

Unknown said...

I come from Canada and can say we definitely do not have as many guns here.(contrary to rocketstar's observation.) I wish it was easy to discover what causes these tragedies, but I do not think it is a race issue. The problem is very complicated, but maybe if there were less guns, and more anti-war peace marches going on in America it would help. Canada has been facing similar occurrences in the recent past, and I think the hopelessness of the world in general today(Global warming, Racism, poverty, etc...) are all considerable factors in creating a human being so angry and lost that he can end up acting out these unbelievable acts of violence. A total disregard for human life.
My prayers are with the victims and their families.
Peace everybody,
Let us all just get along.

dawnmarie said...

Maybe I'm an optimist, but I've looked at everything as the press trying to stress that he was LEGAL, as a lot of American Citizens tend to think that someone of any ethnicity other than theirs that does something like this is automatically here illegally.