Monday, April 02, 2007

Times up

Had kind of an eerie experience this weekend. I was getting ready to go out for the night and I noticed that my watch stopped at 9:15, so I went and grabbed another one. Just as I was getting ready to go I noticed that the second one stopped at 10:15. No sooner then I thought in my head wow that is weird I got these batteries at way different times, did an ominous thought pass through my mind....You are going to die on August 15 at 10:15. It gave me the shivers and was such a vivid thought that it stuck with me all weekend.

It gave me a flashback to something that I used to do when I was ten years old that I hadn't thought about in a long time. Shortly after my dad died I went through this obsessive phase that lasted for a few years where I had to say the name of everybody that I knew before I went to bed or they would die. It sounds crazy I know, but I had to do it. I would say their name and send them through this ritual I would do with my eyes and hands, love and protection and if I didn't do it right I would have to start all over on the list of names or someone on the list would die and it would be my fault. This list had all my family and friends as well as random people such as my neighbors, teachers, bus drivers, Ed who ran the corner drug all about 50 names the extent of the people involved in my ten year old world. I can remember not sleeping some nights because I had to go through the list so many times because I would keep messing up.

I don't know why these ominous thoughts and memories have been circulating in my neuron network lately, but there seems to be some kind of night of the living dead rising taking place in the recesses of my mind..


Mags said...

Oh, that IS eerie. I would think something like that too. To this day, I still add "Please put a protective shield Mom, Dad, Chrissy, Lauren and Mariah and everyone else I love." to my prayers and though I don't think they'll die if I don't say it, I used to think that.

And yeah, I know...a "protective shield." You can tell I've been doing it for a long time!

Rocketstar said...

I think it's sign that God exists, LOL!

Make sure my name is on that list tonight.

Sherry said...

OCD is sexy....

I likey the haircut - what's so bad about it??

the Book of Keira said...

Give yourself an extra month to live.... 9:15 would be September 15th.

Brianinmpls said...

Mags: You add me and I will add you to

Rocket:I will add you for sure;)

Sherbears: It is just not my normal is probably in my head.

Brianinmpls said...

lol..good call. I supposed I am also minus the year. I will have to make sure none of my other clocks are set to military time

Thomas said...

Sounds like God's testing you again. Enjoy!

Mags said...

Brian: DONE!

While you're at it...add a little somethin' about finding me a man, k?

Brianinmpls said...

You got to be kidding me a hot Chef? I have a list I can give you of names that will rival Santa'

Mags said...

See, now...everyone always says things like that, yet, here I am, single...

None of those people live in CT or MA, huh? Remember, I relocation assistance can be provided!