Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Last Night

I have been feeling a little overwhelmed lately with all of the stuff I have to, school, stuff around the house etc. So stressed that most mornings I wake up and gag. That is right anxiety makes me gag in the morning when I think about all of the stuff I have to do. Well there is no cure for stressing about stuff like doing stuff.

Yesterday after work...

Read and prepared my home work.
Fixed the garbage disposal
Unload the trunk full of wood that has been rolling around with me
Cleaned out my car
Outlined a couple of presentations for work
Did laundry
Put all my clothes away
Cooked dinner
Fixed a lamp
and still had a nice unwinding session with a cocktail before bed.

This morning there was no gagging.

What we do today, right now, Will have an accumulated effect on all our tomorrows - Stoddard

I am working on it.

Today I am thankful that I have the capacity and will to change my life for the better.


SS+1 said...

Glad you were able to chizzle your list of things to-do down...but don't forget that low key days are equally as important as productive ones!

Yay for taking care of yourself!!

Jami - XOimagine said...

Yoga! Try yoga! I swear by it!!