Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Maximum Wage

I am glad that there is no maximum wage I am not sure I would want to be part of a society that caps the potential of people to create.

But we put a floor on it and I am not sure that is such a good thing...


Rocketstar said...

But without a floor, wouldn't the down and out would be abused even more than they are today.

Brianinmpls said...

I guess that depends on how you feel about a free market some people say it is a life line some people say they are capping for incompetence and un-motivating people to struggle forward. It is a tough call and I go back and forth on it.

Sornie said...

If there was no set minimum wage I'd be even more afraid to eat fast food. The things that would be done to my Big Montana are unspeakable.