Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Lights Out

The one part of the holiday season I always look forward too made me a little sick last night. One of my favorite things to do in the winter is to walk through the streets in the snow and look at peoples displays of Christmas lights. I don't know why I like to do this, I just do, I think it is pretty. I know it sounds kind of stupid especially for an agnostic person who doesn't like religion at all but who are we kidding Christmas hasn't been about religion in a long time, but I digress.
I came home last night and went for a little walk and one of my neighbors who always puts on a good light display was out in his yard putting up lights. (A little too early I know but it takes him a while so I forgive him) I noticed this year he was putting up some different things that he has not used in the past specifically a manger scene and a four foot tall cross with white lights. I had to stop and ask him about it and I wish that would not have. He said he had to do something extra this year to let everyone know Christian values are still dominate in this community. (For those of you who don't know my district elected the first Muslim to congress last Tuesday) I just kind of gave him a half smile and continued on my walk. When I came back towards my house it was dark and the parts that he had finished were lit up and I stopped in front of his house and looked at the lights for a bit. Instead of feeling light and peaceful I felt sick to my stomach and embarrassed. I felt like I was looking at a neon version of a burning cross left by the KKK. The scene of a hate crime disguised as holiday cheer. I started to wonder if this is how all of the people who don't celebrate Christmas felt and suddenly something that I have always enjoyed made me a little sad and a little ashamed....


Anonymous said...

Christmas lights sure indeed look pretty, specially when there is snow on the ground and there is reflection. Your neighbor seems to be one of those religious wackos since he is trying express his disapproval of the elected official solely based on difference in religion. Having said that, if your neighbor had a tradition of putting up 4 foot tall cross in his house during Christmas, I don't see anything wrong with that. Peace...

Anonymous said...

Just noticed the title of your blog "Lights Out". Lights out
Guerrilla Radio Turn that shit up!! Sorry just couldn't resist throwing in a little RATM!

Brianinmpls said...

The whole values comment he said to me is still bothering me too because I don't really know what values he is show casing with this?

Anonymous said...

True. I am sure somewhere in CBOK (Christian Book of Knowledge) there exists a value which asks believers to respect other human beings for who they are. Your neighbor must have decided to brush that one aside for the time being.

Anonymous said...

New beta blogger sucks it makes me go all the way out and then back in to log in and leave a comment under my name

Rachel said...

I don't have any objections to people putting up nativity scenes for the holidays, but this guy's reasons are idiotic. I'm sorry he ruined the holiday lights for you.

Rocketstar said...

Great post man, I love you man.

I also enjoy holiday lights very much.

I love how Christians focus more on the "display" of "Christian vlaues" (xmas kights, wearing a cross necklace, puttng a manger in their front yard, going to church twice a year etc...) than the actual display of those values Christ spoke about.

Once we begin to SEPERATE ourselves by our religious guesses, we are doomed as a nation, simple as that.