Sunday, February 04, 2007

A Short Histoty of Nearly Everything...

With this weekends cold weather I found myself curled up on the couch with more then a few good books. My favorite was by far the tile of this blog written by Bill Bryson. What I learned just astonished me... from his insight came a better understanding of our place in this world, the growth of knowledge and just how fragile of a balance we maintain on this floating rock. It truly was an eye opening discovery about the importance of not hastening global warming, the dangers of lead, CFC's our own species fight for survival. At 500 pages not an easy task but well worth its weight in perspective if you take the time to digest it. I would highly recommend it.

What really caught my attention was how little I understand the big picture of the world I live in. It gave me more then enough desire to stay in school for the long haul...


Anonymous said...

Hmmm - sounds interesting, I'm still trying to get through that last one you gave me... a little over 1/2 way thru - not moving very fast??

Rocketstar said...

This is on my list... Sounds like soemthing you could skip around in.