Thursday, June 29, 2006

Confessions of a drama king

Is there a difference between a blogger who writes controversial stuff to stir the pot and make people think and Becky telling Julies something Debbie said because she knows it is going to piss her off and cause them to fight? I hope there is a difference. However the more I think about it the less sure I am that there is a difference. In either case the instigator profits by becoming the center of attention driven by some narcissistic need to be involved in the drama (could also read discussion). Although the former scenario I put on a pedestal and exalt as a virtue and the later I despise as small and petty. I guess one is a personal attack and one is an attack on and idea or belief…but isn’t an attack on an idea or a belief personal to those who hold that idea or belief? Am I just a self righteous version of Becky? Am I as big of an asshole because I am unconcerned about how what I write affects others? I do hold out hope that there is a difference. The difference to me is I print what I say. I stand behind what I say. I don’t tell one person one thing and someone else something and so on. It is right here. Black and white..same for everyone. I am the originator. The person you can complain to. Etc..

I try to be respectful on here. I never use anyone’s name. I never write about women I am with even after we are no longer together, even though there is a large chuck of material there….lol I never divulge anyone’s secret. Anything said to me in confidence. This blog is my secret. My personal thoughts. It is me revealed as honest as I am capable of being. I am sorry to those I make feel bad. I am sorry to the Becky’s out there who use my vulnerability to cause drama. I am sorry to those who are hurt by this drama. Sometimes the truth is ugly….sometimes I am ugly. If you have issue leave a comment. I accept them anonymously so you don’t even have to tell me who you are. Otherwise just delete my link because until you get down from your perch of safety and quit throwing potshots in the dark I really have nothing to say to you. And for those who use my words to attempt to wound those I care for I have a big brown steaming trophy for you as a testament to what a pile you are.

I really hate that I even have to say any of this. I feel like I am back in third grade. All of the people who leave comments on her I love and honestly I don’t know what I would do without you. To all the people who post here that I have come to love over the years I love you. I love our discussions even when we don’t agree. I love that even in my darkest hours, saddest lows, self destructive, and happy bows that you have been there and comforted me….corrected me when I was wrong…celebrated with me when I was happy. Mostly that you accepted me no matter how flawed I really am…and for that I thank you.

This is directed at a very few people who have tried to distort my words to strike out at some people that I really care about. Make no mistakes I don’t care what you say about me. But as soon as you go after my personal integrity, my families name and my inner circle I am going to introduce you to the word schaklog….

(Schaklog replaced twast with some added negative connotations for those that know what twast was)

Iror Raw VII


Rocketstar said...

The difference is you do not force anyone to read your words here. You are not physically telling anyone anything.

Let me know if you need any help beating them down, I will gladly help.

theresa said...


I swing a pretty good 5 iron. just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Don't forget though, "The pen is mightier than the sword!"

...I think ;)

Brianinmpls said...

I love all of you I was seriously thinking about putting an add in the paper with this persons address and a big headline that said egg my

Anonymous said...

please enlighten me on the meaning of Schaklog and or Twast?? geez I feel like I'm missing something here - never realized your blogging was so controversial....

Brianinmpls said...

How about "twast" It means fuck you and everyone you know and I hope they all get covered in gas and struck by lightning.....let see if we can get that to catch on...(This was a comment i posteted on Rocketstars Blog) Schaklog means the same thing with the added bonus of I am going to poop on you Aren't you glad you asked

theresa said...

that's good vocab right there.

Anonymous said...

oh so glad I asked - good to know!!!