Friday, March 23, 2007

Another Horizon

10 Years From Now what will you be glad you did today?


Rocketstar said...

Didn't die and emptied my sac.

Sarah said...

returned that phone call, hopefully.

Anonymous said...

I will be glad I had a nice pizza date with my son and laughed so hard I could barely stop - I will be glad that I chose life 4+ years ago so that I could have days like this with him and enjoy many more to come. I will be glad that I have made difficult decisions more than once in my life and that dispite the odds being stacked against me on several occasions I've chosen to follow my heart and even though at times I have struggled and barely hung on - I have risen and I keep on going!!!

Sherry said...

I didn't throw up. Well, at least Friday I didn't. Monday has been a different story.

Brianinmpls said...

Have you been sick?

Anonymous said...

That is a really good question. I like it!

So ten years from now I will be happy that I made the trip to Arizona and made some wonderful memories with her and her family. She just moved out on her own after being married for almost 15 years and I wanted to be here for her during the divorce. It makes it nicer that she lives in a place where I can get a tan as well but I'll always be glad she had someone there for her.

Anonymous said...

My cousin is who I'm talking about...

Mags said...

Decided to stop waiting...