Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The P Spot

The perfect parking spot requires a closer look.

Circa lunch yesterday I was walking with a co-worker out to the parking lot. I didn't even bother asking if he was going to drive because I already know his answer..., "No I don't want to lose my spot."

I am 100% convinced he gets here early in the morning, not to work but just to get that spot. People associate great spots by the door with go getter's and work horses. It screams hey look at me I am the first to get here last to leave. Not that any results they accomplish are any better they just look better. This is the mentality of work harder not smarter. I am starting to see these people as my enemy. I don't want to work 60 hour weeks for 40 years so I can lug my winkled nuts to the beach and daydream about what I could have done.

I used to think that people who drove around and looked for that perfect parking spot were diligent. They were going for the best and not giving up till they get it. These are the same people who will drive around the gym parking lot for a spot next to the door, that way their car is waiting for them after an hour on the tread mill.

I now think it is a waste of time. I think it is laziness now where I used to think it was the opposite.

I will make an exception for when safety is an issue but other then that I am going to start keying cars...

Wait I don't have to I bet people who park in the spots closer to the doors tend to get more dings in their cars for two reasons.

1.) Chances are greater that cars will be on either side of them more often.
2.) People will squeeze into a spot that is too tight for their car closer to the door because people are lazy and don't want to walk.


Laura said...

That's probably exactly what he does.

You can't get parked anywhere near my work half the time and I kind of like it that way. I work in town and usually the further from town you park, the nicer your car will stay looking.

Rocketstar said...

Here, here.

Miss lunches with ya man...

JLee said...

haha..that's funny, the first thing I thought of when I started reading this post was the gym parking lot thing. "You are about to walk for 30 minutes or more, what is a fucking extra TWO????"

Geoff said...

I hold the same philosophy when I park at Target. The time spent looking for a space up close is usually greater than parking in the open spot 4 spaces down and walking the extra 40 feet. I just chalk it up as extra exercise.

Anonymous said...

I prefer to do more walking and less driving.. so I always take the first spot I see... usually far away!

Anonymous said...

I always park way out there too and it drives my friend Michele crazy. She's one of those people driving and waiting for the closest possible spot. Rain or snow... I'll walk. It's only in extreme cold that I look for a spot... and that's not often because I'm a huge baby and don't go anywhere when it's extremely cold.

Max Morland said...

I hate drivers who spot people walking to their car and wait for them to get in and leave. This happens all the time at Target. Most of the time they will put on their blinker to call dibs on that spot. I'm one of the most irritable people ever when I get behind the wheel

Kristi said...

I got back to work after lunch, and parking space number two was open. My lazy ass was warm and tingly all over.

a girl said...

Did you ever notice that Kojack always got the great parking space? Does your coworker have hair? Does he always have a lolly?