Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Some Denver Love Part One

Hell yeah started out the trip right with a trip to Golden to the Coors Brewery Tour. It was worth it if you ever get the chance to do it and its free and they give you 3 free beers before they turn you loose on the freeway back to

Yes I am repersenting Tailgate!!

Legends in Aurora where my sister bartends for some high altitude drinking practice. Got to see Rocketstar here too:) It was good to see you brother:) (I got a picture of the two of us but it is not the greatest I will send it on and you can tell me if you mind putting it up)

Met up with B-Dogg and Her, Me and Miss Brian in Minneapolis did the Mile High Pub Crawl. 10 Total Bars in Downtown Denver. It was a blast:)

B-Dogg introduced me to some new friends along the way....


Muffy Willowbrook said...

Nice that the only thing you could remember after drinking all those Coors?

Love Denver....

Jessica said...

Hey, it's not called the Mile "High" city for nothing! Drink up!

The Ferryman said...

Are you sure you only had 3?

Rocketstar said...

Good to see you man. Send me the pic...

Laura said...

Spot Brian's photo pose then? :)

Anonymous said...

you are one fat F. Maybe you should cut back on the brews.

Brianinmpls said...

lol...If you are going to insult me just do it don't be a puss.

I am a fat fucker. if you cut it off it is like saying you want to fight then tickleing me it just loses so much effect.

a girl said...

What a bummer. It'd been fun to kick back a few with you...or maybe a bit weird, same diff.

Anonymous should shut the hell up. I hate when fucktards comment like that.

You're cute, worry not.