Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Why Do We Hold Hands?

I am guessing that it is a sign of possession and control in public. I mean you don't hold hands when you are at home and no one is around do you?

A way to say we are together when you have bad breath and kissing is just out of the question. A way to pull someone along in life usually a sign that there is control issues in the walkway of the relationship. The don't walk sign visible to everyone but you. But sometimes don't we just hold hands cause we like to? Cause you want to show off the human piece of jewelry on the end of your arm?

I used to be a hand holder until I realized why I was doing it. (Mostly to show the outside world we are together either in a feeling insecure way or a bragging look what I way)

Now when people try I sweat and pull away and people say I have commitment issues...

Yet by not holding hands now I feel more secure and deeper in relationships in a healther way for better reasons...weird huh?


Anonymous said...

Maybe people just hold hands to be close to one another? I like to hold hands - although I don't do it frequently, but once in a while, it is nice to just "be" with someone in a simple way.

JLee said...

I think the reason depends on the person. It could be for the reason you say, but for me it's just to be connected, to show affection.

Kyra said...

Uh, we do hold hands at home. All the time. All by ourselves. I've been married for almost 13 years now. We hold hands because it makes us feel less alone, that you are in it together, and it's just... comforting.

I have had relationships where the handholding was a control issue - it feels completely different. And there really IS a difference.

Brianinmpls said...

I agree there is a huge difference when I was watching it and being aware of myself I was about 1:4 in "real hand holding"

Maybe I just think too much...

Melinda said...

It's a hug for your hands!

a girl said...

I only hold hands with the Old Man in hardware and liquor stores. That way I can keep track of him.

Rocketstar said...

Possession with a touch of romance.

Laura said...

I'd never really thought about why we hold hands before...I guess I do it because I like it. Walking in public, lying on the couch.

It's a nice feeling of closeness.

Maggie Moo said...

This is so weird-I was JUST thinking "I miss holding hands" today...weird.

Harley said...

That is a WEEEIIIRD post. Brian, people hold hands cos its nice. No biggie!

Tara said...

You and I either both have "commitment issues" or were separated at birth somehow...because this is something else we have in common. I use to hold hands too at one point and now I cannot stand it for similar reasoning. Great post Brian!

Anonymous said...

being that I hate germs, I'd prefer not to hold hands. :)

Kristi said...

I'm a hopeless romantic. I'm a super touchy feely type girl too. I adore holding hands. I think for me it's more about feeling that person, knowing he's there, feeling the warmth and closeness. I'll settle for a hand around the waist too though. If I'm actually with that guy, I don't mind it being shown to the world. Be proud that I'm with you, lol!

Jessica said...

Sometimes I think people do hold hands as a way of showing 'ownership.' Then again, I've always been a fan of holding hands in the car, in bed or on the couch, when no one else could even see.

Cheri said...

I like to hold my boyfriends hand because its comforting to me. It makes me feel safe especially if we are in a crowded place and I HATE large crowds of people. Maybe some people don't put a lot of analysis on it but others just don't care. In relationships that weren't so serious I know that the guy definitely did NOT want to hold my hand.

Anonymous said...

I like it because you can still be close to one another while walking somewhat separately. And besides, kissing constantly makes you take pause. Kinda hard to do while walking. I'm a multi-tasker!