Thursday, August 06, 2009

Emotional Bowel Movement

A lot of people I know look at a Pollack painting and see a bunch of colors thrown on a canvass and quib that their four year old could do that. I look at them and and I see an emtional bowel movement. Feeling expessed in color balanced with a perspective that only life and experience can define for you. How is your emotional stoll? How do you deal with the constipation and diareha of the mind?


Rocketstar said...

The only emotional bowel movement I have ahd is those times when you are SOOOO happy you made it to the bathroom and didn't crap in your pants.

I use chemicals, all natural of course. ;o)

Jenn'fer said...

Writing.... and drinking.... and pulling weeds.... and drinking.... and cooking... and eating....

Kristi said...

I used to blog....I scrap when I can but sometimes things just get too heavy to deal....therapy is good, lol. But I do miss blogging a lot.

theresa said...

I enjoy my drinking :)

Katherine said...

Pollock was a sick bastard, but a genius. To those parents of a four year old, I say, "Then have your child make some paintings, sell em and retire." It's not as easy as it life.

Katherine said...

In his paintings I see angst, conflict, madness, and incredible energy and courage...his emotional bowel movement.