Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fighting the Man - F U Eau Claire Wisconsin

Can I get a big FUCK YOU to Eau Claire Wisconsin

Situation: I was a party in a bar in downtown Eau Claire Wisconsin about a month ago. I walked out onto the street to wait for my taxi carrying a plastic cup from inside the bar.
A cop pulled up and asked where we were from. Always a red flag. Law should never be dependent on where someone is from. It should be applied evenly but that is beside the point.

I was given a $211.00 ticket for an open container on a public street.


I am 30+ years old minding my own business responsibly waiting for a taxi on a public street.

He did not even smell the drink to see if there was alcohol in it.

Set to drive to court today I called and talk to the DA who said I could come and plead not guilty and they would set another court date.

So to fight a $211.00 ticket I would need to take 2 days off of work drive a total of 8 hours.


It is not like speeding where I will accept a ticket willing cause the signs are posted and you ignore them or follow them at your own apparel.

But how can you enforce a law that a reasonable person would not even know exists?

How many places is it illegal to have a plastic cup filled with a beverage on the streets?

Especially if it is not liquor?

I would like to say F you to Eau Claire and the 18 year old prick cop who gave me that ticket. I will never stop in your city again, not for food, not for gas, not to any of your crappy attractions. For anyone of my friends who are planning future weddings or parties there I will not be coming.


Rocketstar said...

You mean it was not beer the cup and he gave you a ticket?

The judge will say ignorance of the law and ordinances is not an excuse.

What an asshole this cop must be, what a sad man.

Maggie Moo said...

It's actually illegal in a lot of places. Practically everywhere in New England. However...he should have asked to see the cup. We wouldn't get in trouble for having a bottle of water here.

The ticket seems steep though...

Sundar said...

I think you should fight it. If there was no alcohol in the cup (or if the cop has no evidence thereof), the judge will throw out the case.

Mich said...

there wasnt even alcohol in the cup???

wtf? fight that!

Ma said...

was there really no alcohol in the cup or are you just saying he didn't even check?
I think if anyone should get fined here it would be the establishment that let you walk outside with your cup - if it's a law, they should be enforcing it (because duh... happy unticketed patrons come back to their establishment and spend more money as opposed to the ticketed ones who never return and also tell everyone they know to stay far far away from that place, and even the city it's in)

Bill From Gainesville said...

I know that law --- It is a bitch on game days in Gainesville, However so far all the Gainesville cops that have ever busted me on it have been cool. If you dont talk shit back and dump it out they wont write it up.... So far for me anyways, but I have had friends get a ticket for it, but I think mostly because they were also being assholes...

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