Thursday, August 07, 2008

Dream of the First Green State - Minnesota

Why don't we take a section of a sparsely populated potion of the state, say a million acres along the South Dakota \ Minnesota border. Put up the worlds largest solar and wind farm. This would generate 6 times the current energy needs of the state, making us not only energy independent but also the largest exporter of green energy.

Thinks about it we could even build fuel cell factories along the edge of these farms converting the solar and wind produced energy into fuel cells for cars.

We could take the billions we are currently thinking about contributing to oil exploration (That takes years to pan out) and start marking our freedom today.

If we used state funds to create this energy surplus and had excess supply to sell Minnesotans would get rebates similar to the oil rebates given to Alaskans.

Imagine the jobs this would create, Imagine the businesses that could be lured here if they didn't have to pay utilities, (Amounts to a tax break) Imagine the people who would be drawn to a green state, Imagine Minnesota the example for the world.

Imagine being part of something you could be proud of....

I want to believe in us again. I want to believe we can tackle the problems we face.

I just wish someone would quit politicking long enough to lead us there.


Anonymous said...

It's really just dependent on getting that land (I wouldn't be in favor, for example, of tearing down wild protected prairie or state park land to build something like that)--wind farms are easily dispersed even on farming land, solar takes up more space and is better suited to a desert environment with unusable land.

I do know of a guy that has a small windfarm, however, and the electric company cuts HIM a check because he adds power TO the grid. So it's not at all far-fetched.

Rocketstar said...

I'm afraid that now that oil prices are dropping Americans will no doubt just go back to normal as usual and not think/sacrafice for what we really should do.

scargosun said...

I am with Spirophita. I think creating something like that would have an environmental impact that could very well be worse than the one we have going on now. One of the reasons they have not done more wind farms is b/c some studies suggest that they have an impact on migratory birds who really are part of the whole ecosystem. I think moderation is the key here, reducing our energy consumption AND increasing alternate forms of energy but on smaller scales.

Maggie Moo said...

I'm with Rocket-I don't think the prices were high enough long enough for people to really change...although here in Boston there are LOTS of green things and maybe it'll catch on.

h*dizzle said...

if the world were more like that would be awesome :)))

Unknown said...

I am in favor of very high gas prices, especially for personal use. I do think that there needs to be some governmental help for small businesses, however--maybe very low interest rate loans to purchase more sustainable machinery, for example. I'd hate for this kind of a situation to just push out more small businesses and feed those who can afford it--i.e. Wal-fart.

Anonymous said...

I think you should put your wind farm in Washington DC. There is enough hot air to power the entire country! :)