Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rough Start

This morning started out a little rough...

I was running a little late

Plugged the toilet went to plunge it...

Splashed toilet water on my pants

Had to iron another pair

The towel rack broke

I was getting stressed and snapped when I shouldn't have.

This was all placed into perspective when I walked into the office and everyone was crying. Yesterday a great co-worker past away. Healthy. Vibrant. Young. Died in his sleep way to early.

Made everything else I was stressing about just seem so petty.

I love you all and I am sorry I am such a prick sometimes.


Unknown said...

things like that stir up our stupid boring selfish life for a moment, innit?
we luv you too brian and loooooove your blog.......:)

Mandy said...

wow, that'll definitely put things into perspective.

sorry to hear about your coworker, i hope things start looking up for you.

Born with a big mouth! said...

sorry to hear about the news. and hope your day gets better!

Kristi said...

You're allowed to be a prick, sometimes. :)

Bill From Gainesville said...

Stupid death getting in the way of living...