Thursday, December 01, 2005

Brian by Numbers

Apperntly i am coming off cold, distant and have been added so some watch i thought it a good idea to let people know a little more about get ready for Brian by numbers

NINE Things on my mind
1.) Why do people need to believe in god?
2.) Why am I so depressed all the time?
3.) What would make me happy?
4.) Is my fly down?
5.) Do they like me?
6.) Should I kill them? (joking, but it did cross my mind)
7.) Am i ever going to be as sucessful as i want to be?
8.) Why am i still here when i know better?
9.) Is it ok that i don't develope the attachments to other people that other people seems to hold in such high esteem?

EIGHT Things I touch every day
1.) Coffee Cup (usually filled with tea, but I hate using the word teacup because i think it is demeaning to the tea.)
2.) My balls (just making sure you guys are still there, hi Mom)
3.) My laptop....ahhhhh
4.) My dog ...Anyone want to go outside?
5.) My cell phone if it wasn't always turned to silent and i answered it more i bet people would start to call me again...wait i don't like talking on the phone so don't get any ideas plus calling is rude it places you demands of time on someone else...leave me a message or send me an email i will respond when it is best for me...what a fucking wonder you are lonley.
6.) Preping materials (soap, razor, etc)
7.) A book....latley just school related but a book no less and yes for all this technology i love the deel of flipping through the pages of a book.
8.) A person not alway the person and the parts i would like it to be but hey...

SEVEN Things I Shouldn't Do
1.) Be mean to water girl...or just talk about people in general
2.) Lie....Damn
3.) Beat myself up
4.) Drink so much....Damn
5.) Spend so much money...get it under control dill weed (see #3)
6.) Make out with tons of beautiful girls (see #2)
7.) Be afriad to go for the world in my dreams no matter what that means

SIX Things I want to do before I die
1.) Live Abroad
2.) Enter a Dance Contest (Actually it is to be the worlds greatest dancer but thats not a SMART goal)
3.) Become a Ninja
4.) Be a dad
5.) Be a millionare
6.) Be happy with me

FIVE Things I wish I could teach the world
1.) God does not exsit and that is ok
2.) You don't have to believe in God to be a good person who is full of virtue
3.) Convention can be over turned
4.) The pie gets bigger:)
5.) The world can be better nothing is set in stone

FOUR Things I am wearing
1.) Socks with little checkers (not white ones for a large part of life I only wore white socks now I feel weird in them)
2.) Peacoat because damn it is cold
3.) Jeans that are pulled up and not 4 sizes too big
4.) A smile that masks the complications that are just below the surface

THREE People I would like to trade places with for a week
1.) Jude Law
2.) Jesus lets just settle this all once and for all.
3.) A guy with a huge penis

TWO People I miss (There is a ton of you SOB's you know who you are)
1.) My Dad (although i am not sure i remember him enough to miss him or i just miss the idea of my father)
2.) Eddie - To go back I would do it all different and anybody who says different hasn't taking enough risks to realize right from wrong...I wish sorry was enough but sometimes its just not. I am sorry and I love you.

ONE Thing that makes me sick
1.) Bush and all the support our troops bumpersticks and the blood thing is fucked and people cheer him on make me want to puke. The next person who comes up to me asking to pray for him is getting knocked out...


Anonymous said...

Has the thought ever crossed your mind that you're refusal to not believe in God and your hating of life may be connected somehow? Oh, like maybe that we are here to be friends with God? Hmm, that would pretty much answer why you hate yourself, why you hate life, why you're so lonely, and why you seem to hate everyone around you.

dawnmarie said...

"1.) Be mean to water girl...or just talk about people in general"

bwhahahahah! But its so fun!

wow, anonymous doesn't like you.

Anonymous said...

It's not that I don't like you. I'm just pointing out what I see as obvious. Reading over my comment, it does come accross as quite scathing. Sorry about that. I guess I should choose my words a bit better.

Brianinmpls said...

I think your comment is fine, anonymous, just miss placed. One does not presuppose the other. A blind belief in something that does not exist may make me feel better yet it does not make which I believe in anymore real. For example I may believe that an ordinary penny I found on the street is a rare collectors item worth millions of dollars, this may give me security, ease stress etc, but my belief in the pennies value does not lead to the ordinary penny actually being worth millions of dollars.
Moreover, truthfully, I enjoy my life most of the time, I am however going through some difficult times at the moment time that everybody experience in life now and again. Times compounded by depression, which is not mystical by any means but related to chemical imbalance in neurotransmitters in your brain.
Do appreciate your candor and would love to have further discussion on the matter if you are so inclined. My MSN is listed in my profile or feel free to post here.
I just believe that we should apply the same standard of logic towards proving the existence of god as we do in the Loch ness Monster...

Anonymous said...

I'd love to discuss this matter more. My msn is I've added you to my list.

Anonymous said...

I felt you needed some questions answered, so I have answered them all my friend.

NINE Things on my mind
1.) Why do people need to believe in god? They don’t, it just makes them feel better.
2.) Why am I so depressed all the time? Because you understand true reality.
3.) What would make me happy? I know a lot of things.
4.) Is my fly down? Nope.
5.) Do they like me? Yep.
6.) Should I kill them? (joking, but it did cross my mind)? No.
7.) Am i ever going to be as successful as i want to be?
8.) Why am i still here when i know better? Why not?
9.) Is it ok that i don't develop the attachments to other people that other people seems to hold in such high esteem? No, not everyone needs that.

EIGHT Things I touch every day
1.) Coffee Cup (usually filled with tea, but I hate using the word teacup because i think it is demeaning to the tea.) I like it.
2.) My balls (just making sure you guys are still there, hi Mom). They are precious and hold your legacy brother.
3.) My laptop....ahhhhh. It is nice.
4.) My dog ...Anyone want to go outside? Sometimes.
5.) My cell phone if it wasn't always turned to silent and i answered it more i bet people would start to call me again...wait i don't like talking on the phone so don't get any ideas plus calling is rude it places you demands of time on someone else...leave me a message or send me an email i will respond when it is best for me...what a fucking wonder you are lonely. No, I agree.
6.) Prepping materials (soap, razor, etc) Don’t forget about the warm water.
7.) A book....lately just school related but a book no less and yes for all this technology i love the deal of flipping through the pages of a book. Read on a tablet, that does not work.
8.) A person not always the person and the parts i would like it to be but hey... I hear you. But remember it’s just a repository.

SEVEN Things I Shouldn't Do
1.) Be mean to water girl...or just talk about people in general. Correct.
2.) Lie....Damn Come on, it’s part of being human and manipulating people.
3.) Beat myself up. Only if you like it.
4.) Drink so much....Damn. Turn to the things that mother nature gives you.
5.) Spend so much money...get it under control dill weed (see #3). Correct, it’s about saving for the day you don’t work brother.
6.) Make out with tons of beautiful girls (see #2). Join the club.
7.) Be afraid to go for the world in my dreams no matter what that means. The idea is great, but in reality, don’t bother man.

SIX Things I want to do before I die
1.) Live Abroad - Yes, I did it and it changed my life.
2.) Enter a Dance Contest (Actually it is to be the worlds greatest dancer but thats not a SMART goal) Hey, whatever makes you happy. But Don’t forget about the competition.
3.) Become a Ninja - in theory, but in reality, not really.
4.) Be a dad - Yes. Or just a parent.
5.) Be a millionare - Overrated, not true happiness. At least that is what I keep telling myself.
6.) Be happy with me, We are.

FIVE Things I wish I could teach the world
1.) God does not exsit and that is ok. A god or being of some sort may not exist or not, we don’t know.
2.) You don't have to believe in God to be a good person who is full of virtue. Exactly.
3.) Convention can be over turned. It should be, some of the time.
4.) The pie gets bigger:) - Mmhhhh??
5.) The world can be better nothing is set in stone- I wish every realized that.

FOUR Things I am wearing
1.) Socks with little checkers (not white ones for a large part of life I only wore white socks now I feel weird in them) _ what is sooo bad in your past dude?
2.) Peacoat because damn it is cold - I would pick duck feathers.
3.) Jeans that are pulled up and not 4 sizes too big - I’m with ya.
4.) A smile that masks the complications that are just below the surface. That shouldn’t be.

THREE People I would like to trade places with for a week
1.) Jude Law- Because of the repositories?
2.) Jesus lets just settle this all once and for all. He won’t show up, he is not there.
3.) A guy with a huge penis - you mean only a good looking guy with a huge C&%K.

TWO People I miss (There is a ton of you SOB's you know who you are)
1.) My Dad (although i am not sure i remember him enough to miss him or i just miss the idea of my father) - I really agree with this one.
2.) Eddie - To go back I would do it all different and anybody who says different hasn;t taking enough risks to realize right from wrong...I wish sorry was enough but sometimes its just not. I am sorry - I don’t full understand.

ONE Thing that makes me sick
1.) Bush and all the support our troops bumpersticks and the blood thing is fucked and people cheer him on make me want to puke. The next person who comes up to me asking to pray for him is getting knocked out... - Not that it is Bush, but just the fact that the an entire nation actually voted for a less than intelligent Kindergarten teacher. Are you fucking kidding me.

Anonymous said...

I forgot #7
7.) Am i ever going to be as successful as i want to be? You will be as successful as you need to be.

Brianinmpls said...

Thanks Rockstar you are awesome....Anonymous I have added you as well and look forward to our discussions I am usually online in discussion mode from 12-5 on Sat. Hope that time works for you or let me know what does...

PS. Aurora, I have decided to be nice to water girl after this semester is

dawnmarie said...

Oh, sure, easier to be nicer to her when YOU WON'T EVER SEE HER.

Being mean is so very fun. She is so very dumb.

And, Josh is going to crap his pants today when I get to school with my homework done, my oral done (heh) and my flashcards made.

Mags said...

Also liked this. I might steal it, actually...#9 rings loudly in my ears...I know the feeling...

Mags said...

Oh, and I also wanted to say that though I whole-heartidly believe in God, your penny analogy was excellent, and one of the best one's I've ever heard regarding faith.

Katherine said...

Believing in a god may make one feel better and it may make one feel worse, but it will always make one feel controlled and that's the point, the whole point.