Friday, June 27, 2008

Dear Obama, (Windfall Tax is Bad)

Dear Obama,

You are killing me. I want to vote for you. I do. I want to see change in this country. I want to believe you do too. I want to believe you are capable of leading of moving us forward in a new direction, but every time you open your mouth I cringe and realize you have no clue and are going to pander for votes just like everybody else and not change a damn thing.

I was watching your energy policy speech last night and the fact that you think a windfall tax is the solution to our energy problem makes me sick. It sounds a double tax on the oil companies who are making profits. (Everybody hates the rich right that has to be worth some votes) Except in reality all you do when you tax business is pass the expense of your tax along to consumers in the form of higher prices. Suppliers cut supply (Why work so hard if it is just going to get it taken in taxes?) They push the tax burden into the price and you have a compounding effect of higher gas prices...the exact opposite of what you are saying will happen.

I hope sometime in the next few months you can find the courage to be the leader we need. To produce the solutions that will move us forward. To will the vision of America that you hock in your books.

Because right not I am not impressed. By either of you...

And thought of stockpiling food, foreign bonds and ammunition is starting to seem like a better alternative then getting out of bed on November 4th.



Cathy De Los Santos said...

there will be no solution to gas, soon we will run out and the world will end as we know it lol

Rocketstar said...

I agree, he is totally wrong on this one but for me, social issues override economic ones so he will get my vote.

Personal freedom, seperation of church and state, big brother tapping my internet, drug laws, international policy etc...

I figure no candidate wil match up perfectly, it is like picking your poison.

Thomas said...

Don't read too much into this, B-man. I heard yesterday that Obama is proposing several things in order to more appeal to the center, to independent voters. Everything is as it should be (except for the fact that Rocket is no longer blogging).

scargosun said...

my head hurts from the election already...

Max Morland said...

I was worried too when I heard him comment about offshore drilling. He said it would take at least 5 years for that to be effective? Well, no shit sherlock, there is no quick fix for the energy crisis. I want to like Obama too, but he's just been pandering to Hillary supporters lately, and it makes me want to puke.

lauren said...

I like your point, Brian. My brain doesn't always accept the economic argument because it just isn't programmed that way. But I think you are right.

Regardless, a dependence on oil as our only energy hope is what is holding us back as a nation. We need to find affordable and renewable solutions, rather than hoping a tax will solve all of our problems.

Bill From Gainesville said...

He is charismatic, He seems like a born leader, He inspires ..... all great things, But I also can't get over the fact he is a raging socialist....

Anonymous said...

How about take all of the money going to Iraq, cut it in half, then redistribute amongst the discrete needs of the country from development of energy alternatives to healthcare. Put the people that know a lot about those areas to work, even if that means Hillary.

Barack would be a great leader, but he is just a man. Pushed to come up with policies by himself--I'm sorry, but nobody, even the brightest scholars are that brilliant. Get the right people in the right place and we will be successful.