Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Say Again Sam and Reason I am an Asshole #25415

Some quotes I have heard lately that I really liked.

"They say it is hard at the top but believe me it is even harder at the bottom" - Ozzy Osbourne

"History is written by the victors and music is written by those they oppress"

"If the clock appears to move faster then it did in sixth grade it is only because we haven't actualized our power as adults to set our own recess schedule"
Rolf Potts

I really am an

Girl - "Hi you remember me?"

Brian in Minneapolis, (Smiles fakely)

Girl - "You said I looked like LC from the hills last night"

Brian In Minneapolis (Leans into the bar tender who is listening) "When you hear me start to say shit like that please take my keys"

Girl - "Oh my god you are such an asshole"

Brian in Minneapolis, (Smiles fakely)"ok I am sorry. How about you buy me 10 shots and we start over?"

Girl (Leaves making a rude finger gesture)


Anonymous said...

were you at tailgate?

Kyra said...

Did you really say that? LMAO

Brianinmpls said...


Tuesday after softball for a group sing-a-long no where else I would rather be. Don't ask me why I was there on Monday

a girl said...

This, my friend, is why I like you!

Rocketstar said...

Dude, you are going to hell.

Thomas said...

You're gonna have some kick-ass stories to tell your kids, no doubt.

Brianinmpls said...

I'll save you a spot:)

Lauren Elizabeth said...

Hahaha that's hilarious :O)

Travis Erwin said...

That is classic.

scargosun said...

Yeah...I think I might have given you the finger for that comment...or had a shirly Temple sent to you later.

Anonymous said...

That was me you asshole!!


Robin said...

New to your blog..Hilarious..

Have you read I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell by Tucker Max? If not, you should.

Maggie Moo said...

You REALLY said that?!? Poor girl.

theresa said...

you crack me up. we need to drink together a lot more often than we currently do...

Anonymous said...

Wow. You watch the Hills?

Sarah said...

thank you spirophita for asking the important question.

brian - what in the hell are you doing watching the hills?

p.s. i want to drink with you and theresa too.

Bill From Gainesville said...

Sign me up for the drinking part...