Thursday, April 13, 2006

This is the end of the innocence?

Ever watched children play? Their fearlessness, curiosity and joy are overwhelming. Should we go back to being a child? Or do we have an even greater gift? Is the innocence of children really just ignorance? You are fearless as a child because you have never really been hurt. But isn't it empowering when we as adults aware of the consequences can make a decision to take a risk fully aware of the possible outcomes and aware of actually what we are risking.


Anonymous said...

"You are fearless as a child because you have never really been hurt."
are you kidding?!?
You must not be watching children very closely - you don't know how many times I thought Calvin was going to have to be rushed to the ER from some horrid gash or fall. I still wonder if he has permenant skull damage. HA!
I think the wonderous thing about children is that they only focus on the joy of the experience, I think they are well aware of the risks involved, but they are always quick to dry their tears and get back out there for more!!!

Rocketstar said...

I agree, child innocence is due to lack of life experience.

"But isn't it empowering when we as adults ..."
-------- It may be empowering, but it may also be stupidity.

Dem Soldier said...

What about these grannies on 35W, driving crazy/wild and U say to yourself, that's a car crush waiting to happen? are they fearless or just another human development? Umnnnnnnnnn