Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's Not Me........

I am not that Brian Johnson in Minneapolis.

I am not sure if I shopuld be flattered or disgusted with all of the people that think this could have been me? Thankfully one of these news organizations finally put up a picture of him so there is now proof it is not me..


Lauren Elizabeth said...

Oh, that's NOT you? Haha, just kidding :O)

Anonymous said...

Obviously that's not YOU. You're WAY better looking than that guy!

JLee said...

whew! You were the other Brian that got arrested for solicitation, right? ha Kidding!

Sarah said...

but how can there be other brian johnsons? it's a very unique name! :snork:

way to not run over the girl cop. :)

BORGHY said...

Next thing you're going to tell me is your're not Brian Johnson from AC/DC....

Anonymous said...

What a 'common' name!

Ribonuff said...

I saw that news item, probably on yahoo, and was relieved to see that it was not you.

Ma said...

uh yeah right - I bet that's just what you start to look like after a heavy night of drinking... hehehe
that's too funny though Bri!

Brianinmpls said...

I seriously got about 15 emails and calls checking if this was me or

Yes that is my name. Yes it is common.

Thanks Terri;)