Monday, November 02, 2009

Twilight = Creepy

Did anyone else think Twilight was really creepy? I mean I know he looks 17...but he really is 100+ years old. He is a 100 year old man that is sleeping with high school girls. Something about it just didn't sit right with me and was kind of creepy.

I mean where is the pedophile line? As long as you look young it is ok?


Rocketstar said...

Have not seen it yet.

Jenn'fer said...

Good question Biz... But I thin kthe more creepy thing is necrophilia.... I mean really, what's the difference betwee na zombie and a vampire. Just speed, and vampires spit out the chunks of flesh... Other than that, they are both the un-dead. icky.

rachaelgking said...

It shouldn't be... but probably.


Jami - XOimagine said...

Creepy - a little; attractive - yes! It's all about the mystery :)

Unknown said...

read it once, watched it 3 times.....wanna watch it again and again and.......:)