Tuesday, March 11, 2008

When Harry & Harry & Harry Met Sally

Supposed that Harry is right and that heterosexual men and women can never just be friends. There is always a sexual current below the surface.

What does this say about a girl who has only guy fiends? Who choices to surround herself with people whose intention is to sleep with her?

Well in true Brian in Minneapolis fashion I am conducting a large experiment. My first joint social experiment around the hypothesis: A woman who has a majority of only guy friends will have more sexual partners then a woman who has a majority of girl friends. <- Please notice I am not attaching any value statements to that I happen to like women who are empowered enough to make their own sexual choices even if it is in the face of society.

Nine subjects have been selected and the experiment will be running this March 14th 2008 to March 14 2009. How will I know what the results are? People who are in the confidence of the subjects are going to report back.

An alternative theory is that: Women who have a majority of male friends understand how men's minds work better and will have less sexual partners over the course of a year as they are more educated and informed. Reasons given for this theory are that a girl who goes out with other girls will get approached more then a girl who is out with a group of guys.

Subjects: All single 25-30 years old
3 - Have majority guy Friends
3- Have majority girl Friends
3 - Have a pretty split mix this is our control group to see if there is any correlation.

What do you think the results will be? Who will have slept with more people? Can you hold it for a year to find out?


Bill From Gainesville said...

awful small samples. The problem is any one women in any of the three groups could skew the results. but having said that, the ones who have the majority guy friends will hit it more then the other two groups ... I will check back in March of 2009.... and you know, most days in-between...

Anonymous said...

I've always had guy friends... and sure sometimes there was a little bit of a below the surface sexual thing... if the opportunity presented itself I'd go for it type of thing... but most of the time there wasn't anything but friendship. In fact there were really only 2 guys that I was friends with that I "wanted"... but it never happened.

From my perspective, I'd say that women who hang with guys have more sexual partners. I went out with many of my guy friends other friends... if that made any sense. Also... I always felt secure when I went out because I knew I was with the guys and I wouldn't have a bunch of losers hitting on me... I got to be the one doing the hitting.

...sigh... sometimes I miss those old bar hopping days.

Tara said...

This should be interesting. I have always had a lot of male friends, yet I haven't slept with a lot of people nor any of them. I think in some cases, and I am sure I am guilty of this, it is a way to be close to the opposite sex without having to me "too close", if that makes sense.

Ma said...

i have no friends - hence I sleep with nobody - hahahahaha

simon said...

From my own experience, one of my best and dearest friends (platonic relationship only) once was a girl. Until New Year's Eve of 2007 arrived and I told her that she is like my big sister. She has not been too active in contacting me since the incident.

Brian, I am truly curious to find your results on the issue :-) I wonder if results would be much different with men? And so, Hypothesis II: Men prefer female friends over male friends regardless of sexual attraction.

Let us not talk about sample size, alright ;-)

Erin said...

I think that women with guy friends have more sex... not necessarily more sexual partners ;)

And yes, I'll most likely be around in a year to find out, lol. I ain't going anyhwere :-)

Anonymous said...

A whole year? DAMN that is a long time...

Anonymous said...

I always have more guy friends and I typically sleep with them all if that helps.

Kristi said...

I wouldn't date a dude with tons of female friends, I don't think. I've actually never been attracted to a guy with a bunch of woman friends, interesting.

I've had my mix of having many male friends to having many female friends to having no friends to having a mixed bag. I like my male friends, they're less quick to judge me than even my closest of female friends. But, I'd say I've been more sexually active since having more female friends. But there are a lot of reasons that skew that data.....

Anyway, that was a ramble....

a girl said...

I have always had little tolerance for women. I played with tonka trucks instead of dolls and the majority of my friends have always been male.

I am continually dumbfounded by what happens in men's brains. Just when I think I understand, I'm slapped with something unexpected.

Did I get more action than other girls? I don't know. I've never been one to ask about other's bedrooms.

Generally speaking, I think it is one's self-esteem or lack thereof that dictates the number of partners. The lower the esteem, the more partners to try to boost it.

Kristi said...

I disagree with Reggie. Just because a woman is comfortable with her sexuality and unconcerned about oh boy, that number, doesn't mean she lacks in self esteem. Maybe she just likes to have sex. Maybe she doesn't give a shit what society says is right and wrong. Sex is good. And if you disagree, someone's probably not poking you well.

I also played with hot wheels and made roads & parking structures out of blocks. My favorite set was the dukes of hazards cars that I had, ooo, and the camero where I could raise the back wheels. That shit was bomb! They were my favorite toys. My second favorite toys were my barbie dolls.

*Ren* said...

I would think actually that the female who has majority male friends would have or will sleep with less people. I say this because woman who have a lot of male friends tend to have a better understanding of how men really think. Their friends will tell them how they really feel about their "3 am bootycall". I also say this because males tend to be more protective and they cockblock a whole lot more than female friends do (unless they are two faced biatches and in that case, they shouldn't really be their friend).

So what happened??

Anonymous said...

I think an ethnographic study would be more effective here--get five women to report back after a year. Plus then you get the juicy details.

Anyone who weighs in is really just telling their personal version of the truth. I would guess you'd have to control personality types, sexual history and proclivities, maybe even hair color.