Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Winner of the 2008 Election Is....

Rupert Murdoch

His bribes, I mean campaign contributions insure that no matter who wins the election his News Crap company will have favorable status at the same time he is raking in cash hand over fist in advertising dollars for all of the commercials that are airing on his network.

No matter if it is a republican commercial or a democratic commercial. A negative ad or a positive add. The piper gets paid.

I bet local stations just love a contested state.

As I watch TV or listen to the radio I just imagine all of the people responsible for selling advertising space are sitting at the beach drinking cocktails.


Rocketstar said...


Rocketstar said...

Rupert Murdoch may be the anti-christ

houstonmacbro said...

I think a contentious debate means LOTS more money for the media outlets. They are laughing all the way to the bank.

Ma said...

I will throw sand at these fools next time I'm at the beach