Thursday, January 03, 2008

Goal Reasons

When most people say that they are going to quit smoking what I hear is that there life goal is to avoid getting cancer and live as long as possible. I am not those people and that is not my goal.

My goal is not to live the longest or smell the best or be the healthiest...

My goal is to enjoy my life to the fullest. You might then ask why bother quit smoking if you enjoy it so much? Well there are other things I enjoy more that it is interferring with...

I will let you draw your own conclusion to what those things are:)


Muffy Willowbrook said...

Quitting is hard; it's like losing your best friend. But it does get easier. And I like not having to get my "fix" in every few hours. And now I can have one every once in a while and really enjoy it.

Good Luck!

Michelle's Spell said...

I think people quit anything when they reach a saturation point where the pleasure begins to thin and the pain and expense gets to be too much. Most of the smokers I know quit when they get sick of the whole pain in the ass, stand outside, buy the cigarettes, get lectured by well-meaning friends routine. Cigarettes are a great antidote to strong emotion so I'm surprised I've been able to avoid smoking for so long! God luck with it!

Rocketstar said...

IS it the fact that smoking clogs/restricts artieries and are having trouble getting that johnson hard? ;o)

28 days and we can slosh it up again...

Thomas said...

Your bird won't let you fuck her unless you get off the 'tine, huh?

In my best Bill Clinton voice: I feel your pain...

the Book of Keira said...

Is it that raging phlegm ball you cough up in the middle of sex?

Brutus said...

Thomas said what I was thinking but not in the same words.

Sarah said...

yep, me too.

Ma said...

whatever the reason may be - best of luck to you and your blackened lungs

Tara said...


Brianinmpls said...

Thanks everybody:)

*Ren* said...

I'm right there with you! I quit smoking even before I got prego because of vanity issues. I realized that there is currently no botox or resylane for the smoking lines around your eyes.