Additional positive things I have noticed about not smoking....
1.) My hangovers are less severe
2.) I feel more relaxed
3.) I can go to work wearing the same outfit I passed out in the night before and it still smells good.
4.) I can do the 8 flights of stairs now no problem.
5.) My routine is changed so I am meeting new people doing different things
6.) Food tastes better
That's awesome Brian! After I lose the weight that is my next battle. I can only give up one vice at a time. ;) Congrats!
I agree with you on the food tasting better. I also noticed that I had a very powerful sense of smell. Great job!
Keep it up hombre.
I'm so proud of you Brian! Great job. Now that you're smoke free, we can totally make out. ;)
(And I can cook for you first b/c food tastes better!!!!)
the better-smelling-clothes thing? so true. definitely makes me envious to visit smoke-free cities and emerge from a bar sans Eau du Tobacco... which is currently still a lingering and delightful aromatic experience from last night, to be honest. Mmmm... day-old bar hair. delicious.
kudos for quitting during such a completely depressing (and entirely smoke-worthy) time of year.
That's great Brian!!! Keep up the good work!
Keep the faith -- it's so good that you've stayed with the quitting thing! I've always heard the thing about hangovers being worse for smokers -- must be something about all those competing chemicals.
Thanks everybody:)
I just noticed that I have a really sexy following:)
Keep it up - you're doing great! I WISH I could quit, I even stared longingly at the nicorette gum last night at Wal-mart, lol... I think its time for me too :)
20 days rocks. Never started smoking personally, but addictions are addictions, are they not? Good luck and keep up the good work!
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