Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Move to Minnesota: Save Gas.

As I was looking around my beautiful city the other day it occurred to me that I could see for miles and miles...seriously look out the Windows from the top of the IDS Building, I think you can see all the way to Iowa one Direction, South Dakota the other and Wisconsin the other..

It then registered that I can see for miles and miles because it is so damn flat.

Then I though maybe that could be another selling point for our great city. Since it takes less energy to move a 2 ton car across a flat surface then it does to move it up a a hill maybe if we had the entire country move to the Midwest we could reduce our gas consumption in half.

Of course I still have to figure out the amount of gas that is saved from going down the hill you just went up since the result might be net. Plus the cost of additional fuel used to heat our cars in the winter or sit idling on the freeway during construction season, but hey most candidates have no clue about the details of their plans when they make their promises so why should I be any different?

Move to Minnesota: Save the World.
Brianinmpls 2012


houstonmacbro said...

I hear there's a lot of wind there too right? Maybe you're on to something.

Rocketstar said...

Living in Denver now I think about this a lot. But I think that ti is not a net cost/save. I think I use more gas going up the hills than I save going down them, unfortunately.

h*dizzle said...

minnesota is flat because its all prairie...lovvve the midwest :)

Anonymous said...

But going up then down would even out the mileage, wouldn't it? There aren't many places where you go uphill both ways. ;P

Ma said...

ha - not gonna happen... I'm just gonna try to save the world from Oahu instead - plus the hills are good for my soon to be not so giant ass (hehehe)

Ma said...
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lauren said...

But if everyone moves there, it will concentrate air pollution, right? So maybe Move to Minnesota and Ride Your Bike.