Wednesday, January 28, 2009

UFO Hunters and Something about the Benediction

Isn’t it strange that people who believe that out of the trillions of visible stars that there are probably billions of planets just like ours that could have evolved life capable of sending its inhabitants into space like we have, these UFO hunters and believers are portrayed as crazy fucking crackpots?

However, people who worship an invisible god capable of handing out eternal bliss and or damnation are seen as upstanding, credible people with high levels of integrity.

Can you imagine if a UFO hunter gave an uplifting benediction before the president was sworn in?

People would have thought the president and everybody participating in the event was less credible, even childly foolish...

That is what I thought as an atheist watching the swearing in ceremony.


Rocketstar said...

Here, here. It was awesome that Obama mentioned Non-beleivers, the first ever PResident to do so. I actually think he is an Atheist.

Leon1234 said...

You have an awesome blog. Seriously! Love your short bio.

Unknown said...

I would kinda love that. Just bein' honest!

Robin said...

It's ironic that you mention both Obama and UFOs. Did you see in the video in the news how a UFO was supposedly sighted over the inauguration?