Thursday, January 05, 2006

Holy F!#$in Shit I Have Super Powers!!

Sometimes I sit around and ponder what kind of super powers I would enjoy the most. (this usually happens after a bottle of wine)

Often my internal debate is centered around my big four
1.) Invisibility bundled with selective transparency so I could walk through walls etc.
2.) Invincibility never die. Wolverine was an idol of mine granted he wasn't invincible.
3.) Magic Touch so I could make any women orgasm or fall in love with me. (PS I am getting close on this)
4.) Shape-shift like the Terminator.

This list has been pretty static for my whole life (although the four often change in order) until lately. I have met so many incredible people filled with wit, passion, openness, intellect and intrigue I have often found myself staring at them and longing for a straw I could insert into their head to suck their brain out and mix it into my own further expanding my own genius.

Then it hit me.......THAT'S WHAT LEARNING IS! A Big Freaking Straw inserted into the brains of those you select and you don't even have to kill them to do it!!

This struck me as rather profound and I thought I would share it.
I would also like to thank all of the people in my life who make it interesting. I am glad I am surrounded by so many suckable people. I love you.

(Does anyone else have a list of super powers or am I the only geek?)


dawnmarie said...

The most popular answers to the question "What superhero power would you like to have?" Are flying and invisibility.

I learned that in college. See, it was worth something anyway.

Brianinmpls said...

I don't know about flying? Who would serve me drinks?

I am glad you went to college too you are def. part of the suckalishous crew (I think I just made that word up?)

dawnmarie said...

i think you made it up. I think it would be spelled suckalicious.

I'm unsure about being suckalicious, but I'll take it.

Brianinmpls said...

Hey, btw that Damien Rice remark hurt

Rocketstar said...

The Super Power that I would like to have is the power of absolute persuasion.

Just start thinking about the possibilities.

Mmmmmmwwwwaaahhhahahaha !!!!

dawnmarie said...

sorry bri, you know how I feel about damien rice.

the guys name is damien. first clue.

Brianinmpls said...

When ever I hear the word persuasion I get tired isn't that weird? What a lazy SOB I

dawnmarie said...

dork. the hurricane banner screws up your sidebar.

i have to scroll waaaaaaaaaay down now to get to rocketstars blog. hoser.

Brianinmpls said...

Google doesn't like to share space:( now i don' know how to turn this freaking thing off.... Do you know anyone who does this adsense stuff?