Friday, December 12, 2008

Life Expectancy and Causality

What if the greatest advances in medicine have nothing to do with research and development or new drugs and technology? What if the greatest advancement in life expectancy came when we did something extremely simple like started to bath or wash our sheets?


Rocketstar said...

Then we would need to begin to Ethanize people, the undesirables as population explosion would kill us al if left unfettered.

BORGHY said...

everything is too sterile for our own good now.... kids have no build up to germs any more.

I'll be at the bars in Prior tonight! For sure we should meet up next week for a drink. Let me know when and where.

SS+1 said...

The world is a crazy place. Isn't it wonderful?

Ma said...

I just read somewhere that life expectancy was linked to sexual activity... the more you get your bang on, the longer you'll be around to get your bang on some more.... maybe once life got a bit easier and people had to spend less time hunting and gathering and making their own clothes and stuff they could devote more time to enjoyment and thus started living longer.... that and better means of shelter prevented them from being eaten alive at an early age by a saber toothed tiger or something