Tuesday, April 10, 2007

How Hot?

Why we do not use Celsius to tell the temp I will never know. It makes sense for human conditions. Water freezes at 0 and boils at 100. I have started a Celsius awareness program and have started to tell people the temp in Celsius to try to get rid of the nasty use of Fahrenheit across the United States.

Our first lesson begins with how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.
Multiple by 1.8 and then add 32

Lesson two is the reverse to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
Subtract 32 then divide by 1.8

Some general rules of thumb if you are too drunk to do the math while traveling in a country who is smart enough to use Celsius are a few reversible's for example 16 degrees Celsius is roughly 61 degrees Fahrenheit, or 28 degree Celsius is roughly 82 degrees Fahrenheit.


Mags said...

See, the problem is math. Though the concept, I agree, is better, my eyes went all fuzzy and I skimmed over the blah blah blah part...

Plus, I've already memorized the other temps...

Rocketstar said...

It's a good poiont and I will throw in the METRIC system whihc is SOOOOO much easier to use.

Why haven't we adopted these, because we are Americans and we are the best. We don't need to change anything, regardless of the facts of the issue.

And the cost at this point would be enormous or even GINORMOUS.

I'm sure there is a story behind it all. When the pilgrims came over, what did they use?

the Book of Keira said...

I wish I gave a shit about temperature. Really, it would give me an opportunity to participate in this discussion and that would be cool.

But how cool?

30 degrees ferenheit or -1 degrees celsius??

Brianinmpls said...

I think back then they used...

Fucking Freezing but I but they said them in old english and it probably sounded pretty cool...

Thomas said...

I remember in grade school, my teacher said that by the year 2000, the US would be going metric like the rest of the industrial world. Yeah, right. Americans are just too lazy to get on the Celsius horse.

Mags said...

Ha, ha, ha...hot, warm, cool...if only.

Sarah said...

but brian, you're both hot and cool, so what temp would you be, centigrade?